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About 5 Star Windows & Conservatories
At 5 Star Windows & Conservatories, we design our products to make the most of your property. Our thoughtful options, numerous features and superior Customer service provide a level of comfort and pleasure that will transcend into all aspects of your life. It is our passionate pursuit of perfection that makes our Customers amongst the most satisfied in the UK today.

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    18 Sep 2022

    Unsatisfactory and prolonged build.

    Right from the outset we were told they rarely use sub contractors, however this was simply untrue as the majority of the work was carried out by poor quality subcontractors.  This resulted in numerous secondary visits to remedy problems. In addition the roofing sub contractor disappeared for three days! The completion date that was set and agreed at the beginning was missed due to all the delays. It was a painful and stressful experience.
    Rebecca Garratt
    29 Jul 2022

    Compromised so 2 star review for hopefully 5 star product

    We were impressed with the Worcester showroom and the products on view so with a 20 year guarantee on offer we signed up and paid deposit. Delivery was quicker than quoted and installation promptly carried out. All looking good. It then took over three weeks before any paperwork including the 20 year guarantee was sent out. To our dismay this does not simply apply to the product but to qualify the original property owner must remain in residence for twenty years. We were informed that "it is non-transferrable as the conduct of the new owner could not be accounted for". Despite a clause stating that "in the event of abuse, misuse, neglect etc., the guarantee would be void". We have been offered "a one-time concession" but remain disappointed feeling compromised.
    Jennifer Jones
    10 May 2022

    Never again.

    We had a nightmare all through the process from taking a month to dig 6 holes, plastering team back 3 times, had to have bi fold doors re fitted to fit in line with the floor. Don’t want to go on, the build took 5/6 months from start to finish.
    Terry mead
    08 Feb 2022

    Shocking after sales

    Whilst the windows are good quality, the whole experience of 5 star windows has been very disappointing.
    From placing an order and paying deposit to final completion of numerous remedials took 9 months.
    After sales were very quick to contact for outstanding payments but very slow on resolving issues.
    I had to lose time from work several times to accommodate their repeated return visits.
    Not a company I would recommend.
    Wayne Jones
    13 Jan 2022

    Excessive installation duration

    The contract was agreed Feb 2021 and installation completed in January 2022.
    There were a few changes to the contract in May for one window which I was advised wouldn't achieved the desired results so that was cancelled from the order. And I upgraded two windows prior to that date.
    I was promised multiple installation dates from late May 2021 but it was September 2021 before the installation started. It was meant to take 5 days but due to the hap-hazard approach it didn't complete until January 2022.
    In that time I escalated to the MD three times and also used the finance organisational route to represent me as well in the hope of a successful resolution.
    Eventually some focus was put on the order and after multiple snag lists were composed I now have the windows and doors installed.
    Most of the windows required 'fixing' which I'm told is a manufacturing issue and the back door had to be replaced.
    Valerie Reynolds
    08 Jun 2020

    This is second time using 5 star, definitely after...

    This is second time using 5 star, definitely after first experience would have recommended but after second occasion definitely not due to appaling after sale customer service and no acknowledgement from managing director after complaining about this matter.
    Louise Bye
    11 Mar 2020

    Richard is fully aware of our installation...

    Richard is fully aware of our installation problems.
    Christopher Rushton
    18 Jul 2018

    Extremely poor communication and planning between...

    Extremely poor communication and planning between departments and no consideration given to the customer - issues at every step of the way. A very inefficient company that unfortunately doesn't make a great customer journey. Most issues eventually solved but only due to me the customer having to chase the supplier and have a meeting with owner and senior management
    Robert Elmes
    13 Jul 2018

    Dreadful internal organisation let the company...

    Dreadful internal organisation let the company down although it was rescued somewhat by the attitude and application of the fitters our overall experience was not good. We got there in the end but what a struggle.
    Graham Whitesmith
    03 Jun 2018

    What can I say! 8 months late completing...

    What can I say! 8 months late completing installation. Category of errors too long to list here and I don't have the energy. Thank goodness Darren got involved in the end and we eventualy completed the project. I expected far far better. Dissapointed. I can only hope lessons have been learnt and changes implemented to prevent such poor service to other customers.
    Rich Edge
    19 Apr 2018

    We would never use 5 Star or recommend them. We...

    We would never use 5 Star or recommend them. We were lied to a number of times no customer service
    J Sanderson